Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rich Turns 30

Rich turned 30 on Sunday, August 8th. We had a get together with friends and family the night before his actual birthday. Almost all his family was able to come and a few members of my family were able to come as well. We had a snack table full of yummy treats and for dessert we had root beer floats. There was a blong-ball contest although we weren't able to finish and determine a final champ as people had to leave to get their kids in bed. The "old men" (the two family fathers) declared themselves the winners! We had prizes for all who wanted them, Livy being the most excited that she won a beautiful shell bracelet. Sunday we had birthday dinner and FHE at momma/papa arnells house. Rich received the Illustrated Book of Mormom series from the parents along with a life time of chain saw blade sharpenings for his NEW chain saw from the wife. I believe every man needs a chain saw, so now Rich is officially a man! :) And he has already put it to good use in our own yard and even in some of the neighbors.

Welcoming Baby Ally

Ally was due Monday, August 16th, but apparently wasn't quite through baking by that time. Although I was having contractions throughout the month they didn't ever get consistently long or close enough to warrant going to the hospital. For the last few appointments with Dr. Streble he kept offering to induce me. I was wanting to go into labor naturally as I was hoping to have a medication-free labor (natural birth). Rich and I kept holding off. For our last appt on August 18th Streble offered again to induce me that day. We decided to hold off until the following Monday. If she hadn't come by then, she would be a week overdue and we would induce then. Rich and I had decided if all my contractions had dilated me to a 5 we would be induced as I was strep B positive meaning I needed medication 4 hours before giving birth. At this point I was dilated to 3 cm's (which is what I had been at the week before) and 75% effaced (5% increase from last week). I was very discouraged. Rich and I went home and before he left for work I had a contraction and the feeling of "that was different." I continued having steady contractions throughout the day starting at about 30 minutes apart and continually growing closer until the evening when they were anywhere from 4-8 minutes apart.

We stayed up late that night visiting over at mom/dad Arnells as Jeff was up from Vegas. He, Dallas and Doug with their families (excepting Maren and Landon) were heading to Joe's Valley the next morning for a few days for some fishing. We didn't get home and in bed until midnight. I had contractions throughout the night but luckily I was able to sleep through most of them. I woke up pretty alert around 4, got up and started timing contractions at 3-4 minutes apart. I started getting ready and woke Rich up around 4:20 telling him we should get going. He got ready, gave me a blessing and we were out the door. Jane was sleeping over at mom/dads. We put her down there the night before in order to visit longer and let her sleep their overnight. Good thing! We had forgotten to leave the car seat so we dropped that off on the front porch and made it to the hospital by 5:10.

When getting into our Labor/Delivery room there was about an hour or so of questions, paperwork and such before they finally left us alone to labor in peace. Contractions were getting to the point where I needed to concentrate on breathing and relaxing through each one. Rich and the nurse were helpful in reminding me to do both. I was able to use the jacuzzi-tub which was nice and warm and helped with the relaxation. We were only in there for about a half hour before I felt it was time to get back to the room. Just as I felt this Rich asked if I was ready to get out. We hurried back to the room in between contractions which felt to be within a minute of each other now and quite intense. At the time I thought there were no let down between contractions, but what I was feeling was the pressure of baby Ally's head as she was getting ready to come! We made it back to the room and our nurse came in to check dilation. When coming in to the hospital she said I was a five, now she said I was only at a six. I was devastated. Only a six!? Rich tried to comfort me but I felt if the contractions got any more intense, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Within minutes I was feeling the urge to push. I have never been much of a yeller, but in order to push and relieve some pressure that's all I could do. The nurse checked me again and said I was at an 8. The baby was coming, ready or not! The nurses started scurrying about trying to get things ready for birth. To make an already too long story short, within... probably a half hour baby Ally made her appearance (8:11am) without giving Dr. Streble time to arrive (he had to put his tractor in the barn as it was raining out:). As they laid her on the table in front of me I cried, she was so beautiful. Rich couldn't help but smile and get teary-eyed too. We had done it.

baby came in at 6.9 lbs 18 inches with dark hair

Saturday, August 28, 2010

new baby in the house

Jane is a big sister! Little Ally was born Thursday, August 19th 2010 at 8:11am. Jane loves to love her little sister. It is hard to keep her away. She is always hugging and kissing her baby. She will point to the baby and say "mine!" and even started saying "Ally" yesterday on her date/sleep-over with her Aunt Ally. Daddy/Rich is taking two weeks off of work (using sick leave) to help our little family adjust and get to know our newest member. Jane has been getting lots of daddy time in order for mommy to get some rest and take care of baby Ally. He has been taking her on hikes, bike rides and has been playing outside with her everyday. What a great Daddy/husband. He has been such a blessing and definitely has helped in mommy's recovery. He has even been preparing meals, bathing and putting Jane to bed. Mommy could get used to this!

We have been overwhelmed with visitors, love and support. We had a week full of meals from friends and people in the ward and will even have some meals coming this next week. Jane and baby Ally have received many gifts from friends/family and we feel so blessed to know and be loved by so many.

Jane has been saying many new words. Off the top of my head, her newest words are: Ally, pees (please), zshoosh (juice), ants, poppy (poopy), butt (button (belly-button)), done, one two (when doing her hair we count how many times the elastic ties around her hair), no, mine!, show, ball

Some of her words she's been saying for a long time are: dta (drink), dow (down), mommy, daddy, money (birdy), puppy, zizzy (mazy), kiddy (kitty), baby, sna (snack)

Her vocabulary is increasing everyday, literally. She is constantly amazing us with a new word. She even put two words together at mommy's prompting: "dow pees" (down please) for when she was done with lunch. We had been working with her to say please for a long time. Before she would just laugh at us whenever we asked her to say it. But finally she said it and we made a big fuss, especially daddy and ever since she has said it like a champ. She knows she will usually get what she wants if she says please.

Ally, our newest little bug, is very sweet. She is a needier baby then Jane was. She likes to be held a lot especially when it comes to falling asleep. Although, we got out the swing today and she has been very content to sit it in even when she is awake and to fall asleep. It keeps her nice and snug, although Jane loves to swing her in it. Jane also tries to climb up in the swing to be with Ally (practically sitting on top of her) and is constantly trying to give her hugs and kisses. She sure loves her little sister.

Whenever the baby is crying Jane is very concerned and pouts out her bottom lip then gestures "what's wrong" with her hands. It is very cute. Jane is also very inquisitive when mommy is feeding baby Ally and likes to help with the process as much as possible.

Rich and I are trying to get used to life with two "babies." It has been extremely beneficial to have Rich home from work all this week, and even next week as well. I am not sure how I am going to balance both kiddies schedules when he goes back to working everyday. I think I'll be taking a lot of walks and spending most of our time outside just to keep Jane entertained and off the baby :) Jane hasn't been going to sleep well for naps and bedtime lately so hopefully we'll get that squared away soon which will help a lot, especially for sanity levels in the home. It seems the collision of summer schedules (or lack thereof) and switching from a crib to toddler bed has all played a toll in her lack of "self soothing" skills. I am hoping we get it all figured out by the time the baby starts to sleep through the night and can join Jane in her room.

Aunt Allyson took Jane for a night to have a sleep-over. Ally really is such a great Aunt and a blessing to have in our childrens lives. Jane loves her and we could tell she enjoyed her date weekend. We had dinner with Ally Friday night, then met up with her Saturday afternoon for lunch and to pick up Jane. Ally said they had a great time taking a walk together, reading books and learning to say "Ally."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jane has taken a liking to coloring/drawing lately. She holds the writing utensil between her thumb and pointer finger and is very dainty with her new found pleasure. Except when she was sitting in her high chair while I was working on some Relief Society stuff. I gave her a paper and a clickable pen, which was unclicked. Somehow she figured out how to click it open scribbled with fierocity all over her high chair "plate." Luckily, I was able to scrub the pen off the surface. I am sure this will not be the only encounter I have with writings on something other than the provided paper.